About me

Since June 2023, I am a postdoc in the ARGO team of Inria Paris and DI ENS (computer science department of Ecole Normale Supérieure), working with Kevin Scaman on Personalized Federated Learning. Being part of the FedMalin Inria challenge, I also work in close collaboration with Aurélien Bellet and Giovanni Neglia.

Before that, I was a postdoc in the MAGNET team of Inria Lille with Prof. Marc Tommasi, Aurélien Bellet and Prof. Anne-Marie Kermarrec (EPFL).

In January 2021, I completed a PhD in applied mathematics at Centre Borelli, ENS Paris-Saclay, under the supervision of Prof. Nicolas Vayatis and Argyris Kalogeratos. My thesis work focused on statistical learning problems for data observed over graph structures, with applications to anomaly and change-point detection.

Prior to my thesis, I obtained a master in mathematics, computer vision and machine learning (MVA) at ENS Paris-Saclay.

You can learn more about me, like the fact that I practice surfing and climbing ;-), on my CV.

Research interests

  • Statistical Learning, High dimentional statistics
  • Decentralized Optimization
  • Federated Learning
  • Machine Learning with Graphs
  • Robust Statistics
  • Privacy in Machine Learning


  • PhD position on Private and Byzantine-Robust Federated Learning here. 13-05-2024